Friday, December 18, 2020

Christmas Pleasures: A Week-Before-Christmas Birthday

We woke up this morning...a week before Christmas and lo and behold it was Woody's birthday! I gave him my present--a draft dodger that attaches to the bottom of the door. The door next to his recliner in the family room was cut off a bit too much when we had new carpet installed...this isn't an outside door but the one that opens onto the sun porch/laundry room at the back of our house...never the warmest of rooms. So when the heat pump is running there is a breeze caused by the air ducts in that area...and due to it being a heat pump...that breeze is quite cool. I questioned my gift when I realized that I had to install it! But between info on YouTube and verbal instructions from Woody, the task was accomplished and indeed it does stop that breeze. Mid morning an elf left the angel food cake that Woody had requested along with several other gifts. Cake and presents were much appreciated! I guess he has had a pretty good birthday even though he has been connected to his dialysis machine for a good portion of it...but such is his life these days! I also got a surprise gift left on the front porch later in the day...this time the elf was wearing brown and drove a brown truck. Here's what he left me:
It's alive! It may go on my front porch when there isn't a possibility of freezing temperatures...but for the time being I will enjoy it in my kitchen. I remembered midafternoon that I am supposed to write thoughts on our Sunday School lesson this week for our Class. Marie is having her family Christmas this weekend. I got that done and just before coming in to blog sent it out in an email. Marie or I send a short lesson each week to the members of our Sunday School class since we can't meet in person yet. When we started this, we never dreamed that we would be doing it for so many months! Covid has definitely dragged on and on and...I'm ready for it to be behind us! How about you?!? And, when I hit the publish button, I will head downstairs and empty the dishwasher so I can put some more dirty dishes in and also see if Woody is ready for another piece of birthday cake. The cake arrived a bit before it was time for lunch so Woody had cake first...sounds like a good birthday choice! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! Because it is 'tis the season!

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