Tuesday, December 8, 2020

O Christmas Tree

The carolers have had a busy day our and about shopping. Before they head home they gather around the Christmas tree in the town square and sing a few carols. We have had a busy day today, too! Woody headed out before 9am again this morning for a dentist appointment. He had a tooth that had a problem with a filling...or so he thought. In the end the dentist told him that there was a hole drilled in his crown. Woody couldn't remember if or when that could have happened. I was quick to remind him when he came home with the tale. His appointment was a quick one...the dentist filled the drilled hole and off Woody went. He was home in less than an hour. Now for what I reminded him about: back in July of 2010, Woody was "playing" guinea pig for The National Institutes of Health. This was the time for his three week stay when they "killed" his immune system and then put in the cells that they had grown from his own cells that had been fighting his melanoma. There was a tight time frame to get all done in a certain order and a certain time. Just as "things" were supposed to begin, Woody developed a fever and a toothache. The dental part of The NIH were called in to take care of the tooth problem and were given an order that it had to be under in control in a matter of about a day and a half. He had lots of folk checking on him and he had antibiotics prescribed. The following morning, he was seen by two dentists in their NIH domain...one fairly old German dentist and a wet-behind the ears dentist. They had quite the "discussion" out in the hall as to what was best. The German dentist won...he was determined that it was the tooth that had the crown and the young dentist did not...the older dentist wanted to drill through the crown and remove the infected part. And, we guess that his decission was correct as the infection cleared up and Woody's procedures were able to begin the next day. But Woody has no recollection of all this. Woody always says that he puts all the "stuff" that goes on with/to him out of his mind. I am going to take the iPad down after I am through here so he can read my blogs for those two "dental days" at The HIH in Bethesda, Maryland ten years ago! While Woody was at the dentist, I attempted to clean Woody's room as it is hard to clean when he is in it and also I don't want to clean when he is hooked up to his dialysis cycler machine. So I got it vacuumed and picked up some things. I gathered the wastebaskets and got them emptied as it is trash day tomorrow. I also gathered all the recycle items. The main recycle items these days are the boxes that his dialysis supplies come in. We empty at least 7 boxes of solution a week along with various other boxes. I had quite a few to knock down today so they can be picked up tomorrow. By this time Woody was home and it was time to start thinking about getting his treatment set up and then have lunch. I had promised him yesterday that I would make a meatloaf today so I spent time after his dialysis was running getting that put together and into the oven. It just seemed like there was never a time to really sit down today. After cooking then there was a kitchen mess to clean up, etc., etc! I am hoping to get to do some more sewing after I publish tonight's blog. I did get quite a bit of assembly line sewing done last night...but still some more to be done along with some handwork. 'Tis the season! We are hearing about more and more friends who have tested positive for Covid 19...looks like Tullahoma is not going to be spared! And, because 'tis the season...be safe! Be well! Be cautious! Oh, and if you would like to read about the tooth adventure at NIH back in 2010...it happened on July 21 and 22, 2010.

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