Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Inauguration Day 2021

For a patriotic day...a patriotic barn! I mentioned last night that I was a social studies major...besides geography I have a definite interest in history and I view inaugurations as being a part of history and if I am able, I want to watch the inauguration ceremonies whether my candidate won or is a way that I am part of a moment in history. Woody and I both watched it...for a while he watched it on a national network on our TV and I watched it on my iPad being livestreamed by the Joint Congressional Committee of Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC)...the actual folk who made all the plans for the inauguration...definitely a different point of view...lots of views from the to see the dignitaries as they were lined up inside the Capitol before being introduced. And, no matter whether I voted for them or not...I get chills seeing the former Presidents in attendance. makes me feel a part of history! I joined Woody downstairs for the actual swearing in of the Vice President and President. So a good part of my day was drawn into watching history take place. I do know that it is Wednesday as Donna and I had our weekly "library talk.". We chased lots of rabbits...never know in what direction our conversations may go! Later in the afternoon I made one of Woody's requests, Spicy Vegetable Beef Soup. We had that for supper tonight. I, once again, am very thankful for a dishwasher...the clean up was pretty easy and virtually painless! We have had several ask if we have heard from the PET scan and so far no word from the surgeon. It really isn't something that we are stressing over or even thinking about...probably why we don't think to update folk about whether we have heard or not. I am picking up the phone when I am downstairs even though I don't know who is calling (no caller ID on the downstairs' phone) just in case it is the it is at the back of my mind! Tomorrow Woody has an appointment at the Fresenius Kidney Center with Dr. O. Be safe! Be well! Be cautioius!

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