Tuesday, May 4, 2021

May the Fourth Be With You!

The rain has everything so green and clean looking and the flowers looking so pretty. we had rain overnight and then more rain this morning and it is raining again now. The storms havent been too bad. We just a whike ago has some loud thunder and lightning lit up the sky, but now it is back to just a steady rain. I sat on the front porch for a while today and took some little birdies' pictures.
I used the 4K feature that lets me take series of photos like a short video and then choose the still photos from the short clip. My chore of the day was to vacuum the living room before the Fresenius Dialysis delivery came. I alternate walls where they stack the boxes from month to month. I had recently finished up the month before last's stacks of solution boxes so wanted to vacuum that area before new solution boxes were stacked up. Tomorrow is the day that we are scheduled for a delivery, but our delivery man tries to fit us in at the end of his deliveries the day before our scheduled delivery. I appreciate that as we would be the 7am delivery tomorrow. I much prefer 3 or 4 in the afternoon! The new stacks of boxes are all lined up along the wall and I have put away the other supplies that were delivered that go in the family room...on the hearth of the fireplace and in the closet in the family room. These supplies definitely take up a lot of room...just as we were told they would! I have a lot of emoty boxes all knocked down hoping to be able to get them to the road in the morning after the rain passes and before the recycle truck runs. I continue to be less itchy...just wish that the itches would stay away once I stop taking Prednisone...I'm ready to stop taking it...but it isn't time to stop yet...not fond of the way I feel while taking it. We have both stayed at home and kept dry today. Woody worked on his Sunday School lesson that he will lead this Sunday. I managed to finish a book...not reading much these day, but decided since I am still awaiting my linen for my next cross stitch project...I have received a tracking message that it has gotten delayed aling the way...messages like that make me wish not to be able to track packages! As far as I can tell it has made it to Georgia from Utah, but cant seem to make it up the road a ways to Tullahoma! Patience is the word of the last two days! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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