Wednesday, February 23, 2022

A Feast for the Body and Soul

I don't know what people do without really close friends! Today my "barn buddies" aka "barn crew" brought us supper. We will be eating like kings for several days. And, I will admit that it was very helpful to not have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen cooking today. In some ways I feel like a Mac truck ran over me...and, to think that I'm not the one who had surgery! Woody is really doing pretty well. He does have pain...mostly under his arm where the large lymph node was removed. He is managing his pain with Tylenol. He isn't the most mobile. Standing up from his chair is pretty difficult, as is walking with the walker...having to put pressure on anything with that arm isnt very pleasant. He did sleep some during the night and neither of us heard Melany leave at the crack of dawn this morning. I really slept...fell asleep before I turned off my light and didn't wake up till I heard my phone ping telling me that Melany had arrived safely at her school...and on time! Woody has napped a couple of times today. He took an especially good nap midmorning and didn't wake up till lunchtime. I still have no idea what his arm looks like where the tumor was removed. We aren't to remove the dressing till 48 hours after the surgery...that is tomorrow...not looking forward to that! Like I have said many times in this blog...I an NOT a nurse! I'm still wondering why I keep getting nursing duties!!! Waiting rooms are interesting...yesterday's experience in one was no different. Before Woody got called back to a room, we had a man and a lady sitting across from us who about drove me crazy with their constant chatter. The man's wife was having surgery and one of his wife's friends was waiting with him. This lady had had some health problems and the man was being encouraging to her, which was very nice. But the main problem with them was that they weren't wearing their masks correctly...even Woody noticed and thought that they were pretty inconsiderate...he may have said rude. They kept sipping coffee...which we think gave them the "excuse" to wear it down. I was really surprised that the Vanderbilt "mask police" didn't call them on it. The lady was asked to put her mask on correctly when she went to the desk to ask a question. I really did have trouble concentrating on my reading to their chatter. I will say that in their chatter I realized that Dr. Kelley was operating on the man's as long as his wife was still in surgery, I knew that Woody's hadn't started! The next experience was a very pleasant one...a pleasant surprise. I got called to the phone to be told about picking up a prescription at the pharmacy. After she told me, she asked if I would ask if there was a Frederick family in the waiting room. Well, when that person turned, we both recognized each other...a friend from Tullahoma! We went to the pharmacy together and then chatted for a while catching up with each other. Our chatter may have bothered we might have been "one of those" in the waiting room! But it did help pass the time while we waited to see "our patients!" Her son was having surgery. I had been trying to keep family and friends informed as to what was going on with Woody...and once I started chatting with Carol, I fell down on my job! Then I got called back to Woody in the recovery room and then had to put attention on him trying to talk to him to get him awake and then had to get him dressed and ready for the rainy ride home. By that time Melany was here and we were off. And, the rain distracted me from doing much texting on the ride home! Sonforgive me if I was keeping you up to date and then fell silent! And, to sum up our day after surgery...not too bad...hoping that he becomes more mobile tomorrow and the next day as he has an appointment at Fresenius Kidney Center with Dr. O and his kidney team Friday morning. The one thing that I had to do was make the next dialysis supply order...and, I did accomplish that. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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