Monday, February 21, 2022

Eve Before Surgery

I'm not the happiest of campers this evening. I have been reminding Woody all day that he needed to have his dialysis treatment started this evening no later than six. He never said anything until less than an hour before prayer meeting that he was going to prayer for me to make no comment at this point. He has gone and that's all to be said about it, I guess! I wasn't even thinking about what day it was today...just focusing on tomorrow and what needs to be done this evening before going to this point Woody has pushed off the things that need to be done and now has left for an hour or so and we will be really pushing it to be ready to leave by 6:30 in the morning. We did get notification through the Vanderbilt MyHealth app that his Covid test was negative. So if we can get there, I guess he is good to wise. I'll report in tomorrow night with news of how everything went. I'm probably repeating myself, but it has been a couple of weeks since I told what is going to be done (I think...I have told so many people not sure where I have said it and where I haven't!) He is having three procedures all done by the same surgeon: 1) remove large melanoma tumor on his arm, 2) do a skin graft, and 3) remove a lymph node under his arm. The lymph node and the cancer on his arm were the only hot spots that showed up on his last PET scan. So he might be cancer free for at least a moment! This surgery isn't really curative...due to the nature of the beast/melanoma it will probably be back. But his oncologist here in Tullahoma is hoping that Keytruda might be able to keep it at bay once it is no longer so large. I'll report tomorrow night...or might post a little earlier tomorrow. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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