Thursday, February 10, 2022

A Lay-Low Day

I have done as close to nothing as I possibly could today...trying to lessen a gout attack. Rolling my eyes...why gout?!? I haven't had a problem with gout for some time, but the other day my elbow started took me a day or so to realize that it might be gout. Gout for me seems to be in any joint in my body...I have had it in my feet, ankles, knees, hands, wrists, elbows, shoulder...if it is a joint it seems that my gout can travel there! I have a gout rescue medicine that my doctor prescribed for me some years ago. I take it every twelve hours and usually after a dose or two I am better. I have taken 4 doses at this point and I do note that the tenderness in my elbow is going away. I have also been trying to drink more water...during the winter I tend to not drink enough. Dehydration can cause gout problems. I will probably take one more rescue med dose tonight and then hopefully "things" will be back to normal and be controlled with the med that I take regularly to keep gout at bay. My gout had been under such good control that the doctor had me taking that med every other day rather than every day. I have started taking it every day till this bout with gout passes! I have read and stitched and napped today. I continue to feel fine after my Covid exposure. Tomorrow is 5 days since my exposure. Woody has had another day of doing lots of crossword puzzles...did his daily two and then has been working in one of the crossword books that he got for Christmas. He does puzzles with the TV droning in the background. Tonight we watched College Jeopardy while I got his dialysis set up and changed the dressing on his tumor. We are just waiting for the solution to warm up and then I will connect him for his nightly dialysis treatment. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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