Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Appointments Accomplished

The main "news" of the day: Woody got his Keytruda infusion and we had the preop phone call from Vanderbilt. Now the latter was not easily accomplished. I decided that I would have Woody take my cell phone in with him so he could answer the call while he ws having his infusion. I gave him a lesson on how to answer the phone and he thought that he would be able to do it. When he came out from his appointment, he told me that he hadn't been able to answer the phone...that where he was supposed to slide on the screen to answer...that it wouldn't slide. I have had this happen to me so Injnew what he was talking about. Then we had to figure out how to return the message was left. We decided to attempt to call back the number that had called us. The person who answered didn't know who had called us, but did take the time and effort to try to track the person down. And, she was successful. But our connection was really bad. But because we had filled out forms online, there weren't many questions to be asked so the call was short and sweet. So Woody is one step closer to having his surgery. The last step to be taken prior to heading Vanderbilt way next Tuesday is to have a Covid test 72 hours prior to surgery...which is Saturday. So we get to stay home for a couple of days with no appointments. Tomorrow is supposed to be stormy so we will be glad to stay home. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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