Friday, February 9, 2024

Friday Thoughts

Another day split in two by an appointment. This one took a while to be called back. Woody's nurse said that they had had a pretty sick patient to tend to and that had put them behind. There is one thing about this wound care group...even though they were behind, they don't try to rush the next appointments through. They spend the time needed with each patient...a very caring team. We have gotten very fond of the nurse who usually tends to Woody. I think the doctor was disappointed that Woody hadn't gotten the brace that she had asked to be made for him. She said that she would put in a call. She said the main reason she wanted to see Woody today was to see if any adjustments needed to be made. So...we are in a waiting pattern to hear from the brace guy. She said had us make an appointment for a month out, but that we are and make an appointment if Woody gets the brace between now and then. We were away from the house for over two hours this time due to the backup in their waiting room. Woody did several crossword puzzles while we waited and I worked on editing photos while we waited. So the time wasn't wasted! There is having the day interrupted by an appointment...I never seem to get in gear to get much of anything done. I did come home and stitched for a while after lunch,..before I fell asleep1 I did get the "O" restitched...finally and got the "P" stitched and am now working on the "Q"...hopefully I learned a lesson from the "O" so I won't r epeat my mistakes on the "Q" as it is almost the same...though different enough that I could very well get messed up...again! I think that being out and about sort of wore Woody out as he has rested most of the afternoon...first in his recliner and now on his courch/bed. He was ready to end the day by the time he finished his supper taco meal. I got the kitchen cleaned up prior to coming upstairs to blog. I plan to sit and stitch this evening and watch some You Tube videos...called Floss Tube...videos done by cross stitchers telling about their love of cross stitch. You would not believe how many stitchers have taken to "flosstubing!" I watch in open amazement of how much "stitching stuff" some of them have. I have more than I need...but some of them have an absolutely unvelievable amoung of charts, supplies and cross stitch projects. Makes me not feel so guilty for what I have!!!! I enjoy hearing about their projects, etc. that they tell about as I stitch. I have pretty much turned our TV Iwe only have one) over to Woody...and most of what he watches I'm not all that incined to watch most of the watching things like this on my iPad is "my TV." I say that we only have one TV...there is a TV in my sewing room, but it isn't connected to the TV antenna so I use it to watch DVD's "when" I am sewing...and lately I haven't spent much time in the sewing room...I'll be back in there one of these days. I really need to make some clothing items for me...or so I keep telling myself. I have the fabric...just need to get the inclination to sew. Right now I am more intrigued with my needlework and focus will change as it has done in the past. When I am cross stitching, I don't do as much reading or sewing. When I am sewing, I don't do as much reading and stitching. And, when I am in a major reading jag, I don't do as much stitching or sewing. I cycle through these jags as time passes along. But the sewing whim just hasn't happened in quite a while. Well, I am ready to stitch so will post this. Tomorrow is another early morning for dialysis. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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