Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Look What Misbehaving AGAIN in Dialysis Gets You!

So Woody had another "spell" at dialysis this morning...not too long into his session so they had to cut it short and return his blood and give his saline. The saline didn't bring him out of his confusion...and I guess he lost consciousness for a short time. They called 911 and had an ambulance transport him the short distance to the hospital. This time his "misbehaving" in dialysis (that is what the dialysis nurse at the hospital called it) got him a jail sentence...as this time he is having to serve real time as they admitted him...didn't release him after a time in the ER. A couple of his labs were out of line so they wanted to check him out and hopefully figure out what is causing these episodes. The last one a couple of weeks ago only showed low blood sugar as something out of line. This time the dialysis nurse at the center immediately checked his blood sugar when it happened and it was not low this time...but his blood pressure was low. So who knows! They did multiple times multiple tests during his ER time. Then when he got to a real hospital room they did an echocardiogram and also put a heart monitor on him. There was something elevated that indicated it could be blood clots or a heart problem...but problem is that dialysis can cause these tests to read high...or whatever, too. He was fine by the time I got to the hospital...all confusion was gone, but he had/has no memory of what happened after this came on him at dialysis...once again he missed the fact that he rode in the ambulance. He missed all the fun! The ER doctor said that he was very confused when he came in...only question he answered correctly was his hame. But an hour later he was able to answer all their questions. He had a very bad headache and they did give him Tylenol in the ER and by the time I left a little before 5pm, his headache was better, but not totally gone. Well, as I say each night...to be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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