Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Not Exactly in the Plans for Today!

We had a normal morning of going to dialysis early. We got him there with not too many problems...main problem was that the ramp was a bit icy after all the rain...but I got us down it safely and then didn't use it for just me...I went in and out the front door. Of course, by the time for dialysis to be over, it was no longer a problem. I came home and did what I needed to do and then sat and stitched and napped for a good part of the morning. In the end I was glad that I did as it helped me not be sleepy this afternoon. I sat in the waiting room for a while and one of the nurses poked her head out and said that it would be a few more minutes. After probably more than a few more minutes, one of the nurses called me to the door and had me go into the dialysis room...Woody's chair is right next to the door. They said that he didn't seem like himself...that he was answering questions and said that he could transfer from the dialysis chair to his wheelchair, but then couldn't. They were concerned since he was disoriented and they wanted to call an ambulance and let him be checked out at the hospital. So that is what we did. I waited and collected his wheelchair and his bag and headed out to the car after the ambulance folk arrived. I headed out to the hospital after the ambulance left the parking lot...the hospital is only a short distance from the dialysis center. I guess I waited 45min. or so in the waiting room and then they let me go back in. I guess the first medical person that I saw was a tech who came to take Woody for a CAT scan. A nurse drifted in and out a couple of times. They were waiting for labs and scan reports to come back. I read the test results before they came in...once again all his labs were good as was the scan. Towards the end of his stay, the nurse came in to check his blood sugar...which I questioned as to why. And, that is the main test that told them waht was wrong. When he came in they tested him and his blood sugar was low...so gave him glucose...and when they tested it toward the end it was in normal range. I guess we mainly found out what all was not wrong with him...no signs of infection and his hemoglobin was at the highest level that we have seen in ages. He entered by ambulance at 11:35 and we were home at 4pm...not too bad for an ER visit! I got some reading done. I fed Woody...first meal since breakfast...he did eat a couple of saltines at the hospital. He sat in his recliner for a while after we got home and ate his lupper (lunch and supper) in the recliner, but just a little while ago he indicated he was ready to head to the couch. I got his leg wound dressed and then wheeled him to the couch and now he is all tucked in. I hope that he sleeps well after his eventful day. To show that he was disoriented...he does not remember being transported in an ambulance and a couple of other things. At first he said that he didn't remember anything about dialysis, but since saying that he has mentioned several things that happened and remembered who his nurse was today. We're hoping for a good night! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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