Friday, February 5, 2016

February Friday

Tonight's photo shows my latest needlework project. As I mentioned last night, I am enjoying reacquainting myself with my needlework by picking up some small projects that will hopefully be able to be finished quickly. I am going right along with this one. I have been picking it up during my resting times between going up and down the stairs with boxes to pack up with Christmas stuff. I will admit that I probably did more stitching than undecorating...but several more boxes have been added to the growing pile of repacked boxes that are stacking up in our upstairs hallway. It continues to be a "slowly but surely" project. I just can't stay with the undecorating for long periods of time...trying not to end up with my back going out carrying boxes up and down the stairs...or a knee getting messed up climbing the stairs so much, etc. Lots of excuses!!! So I take lots of breaks with needlework, reading, napping, etc. Woody continued in his baking mode. Today he baked LOTS of mini pumpkin muffins. His Sunday school group is responsible for the breakfast snacks for the youth on he has gotten his part of the "eats" prepared and ready to head out the door on Sunday morning. He took a four-mile walk this afternoon. About the time that he headed out the door for his walk, I headed out the door to go to the public library. One of the librarians called this morning to tell me that one of the books that I had requested had come in and was waiting for me. I was hoping that it would be The Hobbit for Graham, but it was another book that I had requested for me. I also picked up several other books that belong in a series that I am I am well supplied with books for the time being at least. I asked Woody today if he was feeling any different after being off Keytruda for a week and a half. He said, "yes." And, then he explained that he was once again having a few allergy sniffles that had totally cleared up while he was on Keytruda...interesting! When I went downstairs a few minutes ago, Woody was watching a library DVD and had a book in his hands. I plan to either pack up another Christmas item or two...or head to the recliner that seems to be calling my name and either read or work on my needlework piece. One way or another, I guess we are settling in for another quiet evening.

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