Monday, January 23, 2017

Easing Back Into Routine

Today I started back slowly into having school...just Joseph and Isaac. I also "started" putting away Christmas decorations...which amounts to stacking up the Christmas books and putting one item into its is a start! Yesterday I left the house for the first time this year. I walked next door for Joseph's birthday. I also made my first pot of soup since getting sick--chicken noodle--maybe it will be good for what ails me!?! I am doing much better. Walking and moving around is getting much easier. But I still tire very easily...naps seem to be a necessity. But all in all I definitely feel like I am improving steadily. Woody made pumpkin pudding for the neighbors this morning. After lunch he went to the Life Care Center. This evening he is at Monday night prayer meeting. We never got a call about instructions prior to his CT scans in the morning. I never know which tests that they say not to exercise 24 hours prior to...but since he didn't hear from them he went on and walked to prayer meeting...he says that isn't exercise anyway! Oh, well... I don't think that I will attempt to go with him to Vanderbilt tomorrow...I'm afraid that the number of hours away might be too much for me to handle at this point in my "recovery." Woody made brownies for dessert for us tonight. He just returned from his non-exercise walk back from the church. He left again (this time in the car) to go visit one of his deacon family members who is in the hospital.

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