Monday, January 9, 2017

When Will It End?

I am beginning to wonder when this "gout bout" will approaching the week-and-a-half mark and end is not in sight as far as I can tell. Pain may be subsiding a little. I was in pretty much constant pain yesterday, but today not so much...though walking is still very difficult. I continue to have trouble getting up and down due to not have a "good leg" to stand up on. I am very ready for this bout to be over! I can come closer to being able to bend my right leg and pain in that leg and foot seems to have lessened if only the pain in the left foot would decide to depart. Woody went to the Life Care Center and had Bible study with Jeff. He also stopped and got a present for Isaac. Tomorrow is Isaac's birthday. It sounds like the venue will change slightly...sounds like present opening will happen over here in our bedroom. Isaac came over several times to discuss birthday plans, etc. He's a pretty excited "almost" five-year-old! Woody left a few minutes ago to go to Monday Night Prayer Meeting at church. He did walk four miles this afternoon. The temperatures seem to be on the rise...actually got into the 40's today...a heat wave! Woody made butternut squash and apple soup for our supper. Very hit the spot.

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