Thursday, December 2, 2021

A Visit from a “Stranger!”

Today has been a rather social has this week. Earlier in the week Ruth stopped by with two large pickle jars so I can transport the wassail that I will be making for the Christmas Sunday School gathering. We sat in the living room for a while and caught up with each other. On our Pie Day Alex called and said that he would like to come see us this week. I haven't seen him since June...the weekend of his and Brooke's wedding and Woody hasn't seen him for even longer than that...such is life when the grands grow up! Alex works pretty much full time at Kroger and is also going to college at Middle Tennessee State University and is married not a lot of free time to run and see us, which I totally understand. He had a day off (sort of) today due to it being the end of the semester and they reviewed in his class Tuesday so he didn't have class today...preparation for finals. We had a nice visit and he brought us lunch from Arby's...Woody was happy! He stayed for a couple of hours and we caught up with what is happening in his life. Graduation is in sight after next semester. We talked about what he hoped to do after graduating...he will have a degree in Concrete Engineering...he will be overseeing concrete make sure that the concrete being poured at constructions sites is proper mixture, etc. among other things. He sounded like he knew what he was talking about when Woody quizzed him on several things. After he left, Marie brought the stockings over that she wants personalized and we talked and made decisions about how to do the for me to carry the plan out! I continue to work on finishing the ornaments that I have stitched over this past year and still working on stitching on another...and, there will be a couple more to follow that one to stitch and a few more to machine embroider. 'Tis the Season! Well, it is almost time to get Woody's cycler machine set up and then on to another night of dialysis for him. He is watching TV and playing solitaire at the moment. He has added another book to the finished stack to be returned to the library and has started on another one. A stack of books doesn't last him long these days. But I am glad that he has his reading...a good way to escape into another world!!! I am about finished picking up pumpkins and other Fall decor...just a few more pumpkins on the dining room table along with some fake fall leaves and a basket. I am taking them upstairs and putting them on the guest bed. Once they are all gathered, I will put them back in their storage tubs for next year. I reorganized my sewing area and also my finishing area...after a bit those two places can become creative chaos! For the moment both areas look much better...just waiting for me to make a mess of them again! I have one more ornament to fully finish for out of state gifts after that I can concentrate on getting those wrapped and boxed up to send off to Arizona and Alabama. Tonight I am going to get a grocery order placed so I can pick them up in the morning. So once I get Woody connected I will be concentrating on that...trying to not forget an item or two or..! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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