Friday, December 10, 2021

Look Who Came to Visit!

Graham dropped off Isaac and Joseph to spend a couple of hours with us. Joy is at a party in Murfreesboro and her parents had to get her there and pick her up. I suggested that the boys bring a few of their Osmo games and play them with my old iPad. That is what they are doing in tonight's photos. They tried a couple of the games they brought and then branched out to other things. Isaac finished a church library book...good place to finish it...the librarian's house so he can return it to her in person! Joseph found a box that we used in school...Block Buddies...a set of blocks and cards that you make the pattern. Joseph couldn't figure out what he had made and then realized he had built it upside down! Once he moved to the other side he could see that it was a gazelle's head! It was funny when he realized! Isaac worked with another block pattern item that we have called pattern play...I call it the quilt block puzzle...very symetrical and the patterns remind me of quilt squares. I think they have had fun...they don't get over here very often these days. I got Christmas boxes put back in Christmas closet today...took out a couple of other things. I also got all the Fall decorations put aeay. I will show some pictures of my very minimalist Christmas decorating this year in future blogs. I finished another ornament today...this one for our class ornament machine acted badly, but I finally got it to behave misbehaved with only 2 minutes left in the design...but when I finally got it running correctly again, I was able to get the messed up threads taken out and backed the machine back to where it messed up and got it started stitching at that point and it finished with no further problems! I'm also almost finished with cross stitching the 6th ornament for the Dorrell grandchildren...soon will be starting on the last one for them. That may be the last handstitched ornament for this year. I'm about ready to go back to stitching on samplers. But still have several stitched items to get made into ornaments before I get back to normal everyday stitching. I have been stitching on ornaments since the first of the year...need to start early every year if I will get enough done...not everyone is getting a handstitched one this year...some hand stitched and some machine stitched...but all handmade! Woody finished another book today. I think that means it is time for me to make another trip to the public library. Maybe tomorrow after I get the Wassail made for our Sunday School Class Party. We are due for more bad storms in the wee hours of the morning. Tornados are possible and high winds. There's no tellig how much sleep we we will get tonight! We had Nathan put the car in the garage for tonight to get it out from under falling branches and/or falling trees...please "no" to the latter! The boys have been picked up. They played super well together. They're both really growing up! Melany and Kathy and I are trying to figure out when we can get together at Melany and Wade's for our family Christmas celebration...looks like on New Year's Day this year. Christmas is whenever we can get together! Well, I guess it is time for me to get back to sewing...or whatever I end up doing this evening. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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