Friday, December 3, 2021

'Tis The Season For Stitching While Blogging!

I'm not sure what is going on with this site tonight...but when I insert a picture it shows a minus sign in an circle shape instead of the picture in the place that I usually see the picture before telling to it to use that photo. It does have a code like I usually see above where I am typing so maybe it will post a we shall see what shows up after I publish this! WHat you are supposed to see in the photo is what is right in front of me as I write this...and, though, the photo doesn't show it, the machine is stitching away while I type this. Nice at this time of year to be able to multitask! I've stayed busy today mainly with filling the larders with food for the next couple of weeks...I filled my virtual cart at Kroger last night and then this morning picked up the real food, came home and put it away and even cooked some of it. Woody had been wanting broccoli (Go figure! Would not be my choice!). I steamed the broccoli and he had that along with some sweet potato casserole and a gelatin salad. After the broccoli cooking, I decided that I was through with cooking until tomorrow...but when I came back in from taking the compost bucket out to empty into the compost pile that I needed to go on and roast the chicken today. Why?!? Well, when I back into the house all I could smell was broccoli...not my fragrance of choice for our house! The roasted chicken aroma was much a cooking job for tomorrow checked off the "list!" Woody added another book to the "take back to the library" stack and started another book. He has watched some TV and played some solitaire also. I decided that I would let this design stitch out (by the way it stitched out faster than I write!) while I is the test run for the first of the names for the stockings. It looks pretty good in the current form...but what it will look like after I wash away the base fabric might be anothrr story! I will leave it soaking while I get Woody's cycler set up, so I will know a bit later whether this is going to work or not. I won't stitch all of them like this one, but there are several that I think would look best using metallic thread and metallic thread is not always the friend of stitcher or machine...this stitch out worked pretty well...only a couple of thread breaks. The nice thing about this machine is that if the top thread breaks, the machine takes the needle back to where the thread break occurred...these computerized machines are amazing...and mine is no longer the top of the line...but it is plenty amazing for me! I guess it is time for me to go soak this piece and then head downstairs to get Woody's dialysis machine set up for tonight's treatment. The set-up phase is the phase thwt takes the longest...lots of waiting on the machine to cycle through the set up...I do what the screen instructs me and then it does it thing and then it "tells" me to do the next step and then I wait for it to do its thing again...sometimes the times between what I do and what it does are quick and other times take longer. There is usually a task that I do while it is working to get ready for the next step...sometimes I just sit and wait...this is when I watch TV...whatever Woody has on. The funny thing is that I don't watch that much, but I have noticed that I am watching repeats of some shows...guess it is starting to be rerun season during the holidays? Off to soak fabric and then go see what is on TV tonight! Then once I have Woody connected, I plan to go back to my cross stitching...still working on getting ornaments finished for gifting! 'Tis the season! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! OK guess you get to see the symbol I saw...will attempt to replace the photo later...hoping that it is just a glitch in their system tonight!

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