Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Lots Went on Today!

First off this morning, when I headed downstairs, I found out that Woody's cycler was still going and wasnt as close to the end as it usually is at that time. One of the reasons was that an alarm went off at some point and Woody was deeply asleep and didn't hear it so that put the time off some. I think by the time that we finally got him disconnected he had been on the cycler machine for right at twelve hours! We are hoping that alarms and longer than normal cycles will stop since we got a new cycler this afternoon. I got it all set up and it seems to be working well...now the test will be how it does overnight! As I often say...time will tell! This morning I did a bit of clraning...vacuumed all the downstairs floors and also made a small pot of chicken noodle soup. I have been busy most of the day...not a lot of sitting time. The cycler didn't get here till after 3pm. It set up easily. I will take the information about the new cycler with us when we go to Fresenius Kidney Center on Friday. This cycler is an updated version and has a couple of other settings so I will see if we use them or not when we see the nurse. Dr. Wyman from Vanderbilt called around 1pm to tell Woody about his PET scan. The report is pretty much like the last time...the melanoma is only in two places...the tumor on his arm and in a lymph node under that same arm. Dr. Wyman suggests that Woody go back on Keytruda and then talk to Dr. Kelly, the Vanderbilt doctor who surgically removed the first tumor that came up on that arm. That surgery was back in January of this year. Woody has an appointment in the morning at TN Oncology where he gets his Keytruda now...it's in Tullahoma...so no long drive. In the morning we will also be getting a dialysis supply delivery. I just called Kathy to see if we could get a back up if the delivery doesn't get here prior to needing to get to TN Oncology. THe delivery is to be between 7 and 11am. The last time he got here around 8am and he is very efficient...so delivery is made quite quickly. Tomorrow he also has to pick up four boxes of solution that will be out of date in January. My guess he will be here and gone before we need to get to Woody's appointment...again...time will tell! We are hoping for a smoother night for Woody with the new machine...hoping that he can get a good night's sleep without alarms, etc. interrupting his sleep. Again...time will tell! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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