Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Busy Day

Our Carolers have gained a "lantern/street light!" Melany made this pretty lantern ornament. It hung in Woody's hospital room with the light on the whole time...till battery ran out! The color of the light can change...he had it red. Melany replaced the battery so it is running again and now I have it here at the house to enjoy...no place in Woody's current room to hang it. It hung on an IV pole at the hospital. Today I have spent trying to get things that needed doing done! I decided last night that instead of going into the grocery store that I would fill my shopping cart online and pick up my groceries this morning...just didn't feel like spending a couple of hours in the store. Timing worked out well as my hair dresser had a cancelation at 10:30...so I picked up my groceries a little before 10:00, headed home, out away cold and frozen items, and headed her way, I was so glad to get my hair cut...I was almost two weeks over due for my cut and with my curly hair it gets very unruly if I go very much over 4 weeks! I am a happy camper. I needed to rearrange several appointments for Woody...orthopedics called me and moved it off a little...but can't move it off too far if it is to be considered a post hospital appointment. We'll see if he can get there by the date they gave us...a couple weeks off...time will tell! I have talked to him a couple of times today. He claims to be eating better/more. He is very deoendent on nurses, aides, etc. checking in on him since he is unable to get up. He was having trouble getting them to answer his call button. He found out that the button and light have an electrical problem...in all rooms. Seems that "should" mean they check in more, but he says not! He's waiting right now for the person who picks up his dinner tray so he can have her get a message to a nurse. Not a good situation! He called me to check on some crossword clues online. He has his laptop...but it isn't plugged in and it has run out of juice and he can't reach a plug. I know the plug it needs to be in so it can stay plugged in all the time, but when we were there yesterday, we couldn't get to it as they had his dialysis chair parked in front of the path to get to it. I worked on paying several bills this afternoon. Doing what Woody had set aside to do after the first of the year. At least he reminded me to do pay them...his days and months haven't totally run together! I think it is time to stitch and rest in my comfy recliner...done enough for this day! Oh, I even got an appointment changed for me...all the way in April...my doctor was going to be out of the office when I had my apoointment...so mine got moved off a week! Lots of moving and shifting around...hair appointments and several doctor appintments. To be continued. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! For tonight that may mean weather...we may have some rough stuff pass through during the night.

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