Friday, January 20, 2023

Calmness Prevails!

Woody and I are both thankful for a much calmer day today than we had yesterday and the night before! It really didn't take much to make it calmer! Woody went back to his usual routine at rehab: dialysis, PT, wound care, OT, etc., etc. We talked for a while on the phone this afternoon. Woody still says that his experience was as if he was kidnapped. He said that when he came back, they had packed up all his stuff in a box as they hadn't planned for him to come back! Of course, through all that happened yesterday, there always was a chance that Vanderbilt might admit him to the hospital. We're both thankful that didn't happen. He went back to rehab with a paper from the infectious disease doctor telling them some adjustments that she wanted them to make with his medicine. Woody is now wondering if that paper got into the right hands. I know that feeling! It took me several phone calls to make sure that our request for transport got into the right hands...which it had. I have had a fairly uneventful day. Nathan stopped by to give me some legal papers. I had him work some on the garage door works with the remote and he helped me get the pin number added to the security box on the outside of the garage, but still "no cigar" on getting the phone paired with the garage opener. We will continue another day on getting that to work. I did go so far as to contact the garage door opener app folk through an online chat. No luck there either, but she had me download a different form of the app and then I could do no more as it involved getting up on a ladder to unplug the unit from the plug on the ceiling of the garage! No ladder that high for me anymore! She emailed me instructions for out next try when Nathan is here. Guess it is a "try, try again" situation! I'm teaching Sunday School on Sunday and I have been working on getting a lesson pulled together, but didn't do as much as I should have today. I have been concentrating on speed reading through a book that is going to be discussed in a zoom "book club" tomorrow that Cottey College is doing for alums. When I first found out about the bood discussion, I put in a request for an e-copy of the book. It finally was available for me day before yesterday and the zoom meeting is tomorrow. So I have done a lot of reading in my down times today. I'm 75% done with it so maybe I will have it read by 11am tomorrow and still get some sleep tonight! I have continued to clean up my crafting messes both in my bedroom and the sewing room. Today I went throuh some things that I am ready to get rid of. Nathan said that he would come by sometime and take them to a local thrift store. It is good to have those items bagged up. I should probably look around and add to what I have ready to give away! I have even run the vacuum some today. I had planned to vacuum yesterday, but never dared to because I might have missed hearing the phone! So I have done a lot of "things" today, but in a laid back way! I did make a quick trip to the grocery store. I've got some baking planned for tomorrow and needed sour cream...of course, more items than just sour cream hopped into my cart! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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