Friday, April 26, 2024

A Stitching Day…Mostly

We got up a little later since it wasn't a dialysis day, but still needed to get up and get going as Woody had a mid-morning appointment to have his brace adjusted. We got over there and were the only patients. The gentleman who is assigned to Woody came to the door and opened it for us. We filled out some paper work and then were taken right back to the room. He decided that the only problem was with the velcro...fixed the velcro and got the brace back in position and that was padding or any reshaping which the wound care doctor indicated was needed. So it was good to get the velcro fixed, but...that is all he did. We will see what the doctor thinks when we go back. Woody mentioned that it hurt sometimes. The brace person said to loosen it if it hurts. Then he told us that it wasn't staying in the place it needs to be because we were not tightening it enough! Mixed messages?!? I tried to tell him what the doctor had said and that I thought that she had sent him some instructions. But that was dismissed, too. So...we will let the doctor deal with him if she still isn't pleased. The problem that I have with getting the brace on correctly is that I am only one person...only have two hands. When we are at wound care, usually two people deal with getting the brace on. Woody can help a little...he holds the back part of the brace on while I get the top part positioned and start putting the straps around it, but it would work better if there were two of me in front of Woody doing this. Oh, seems to help some and when it bothers him, he takes it off. I have spent just about every extra moment between meals, appointments, etc. stitching. I will be gifting this piece a week from Sunday, but there is still quite a bit to do. I would like to have it stitched and just in need of a frame for Abigail's gift that Sunday. It is coming along. I finished an important part of it today so I am happy with the progress. I did sneak a little nap in this afternoon...I just couldn't keep my eyes open and I knew that it was probably senseless to continue stitching with my eyes half closed...I didn't need to make a mistake and have to do reverse stitching! Woody has had a good day...reading, looking at his computer, working puzzles, watching TV and eating his meals. I imagine that he will be transferring over to his couch/bed before much longer. I came upstairs to blog and will go down and load the last dishes into the dishwasher and then head upstairs and see what else I can get finished with my cross stitch. Oh, by the unexpected packages came today. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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