Saturday, April 20, 2024

Busy Saturday

Busy day, but we can say that now that we are at the conclusion of the day that we have made it through all the appointments and obligations that this week brought us. I came home from dropping Woody off and got busy on completing what I have been making for Abigail's gift for tomorrow's shower. I found a box, tissue paper, the card, etc., showed the items for the shower gift to Woody after he got home and proceded to wrap it. Just as I finished wrapping it, I realized that I had failed to take pictures of what I had made (one the things I do after I finish stitching anything...a photographic record of things that I have made). Well, at least I am gifting these to my granddaughter so I can still have a chance to take their picture after giving them. Woody got out of dialysis a bit later than usual...of course...sinc today was my Cottey book club...most days he is waiting on me when I get there. Today I got there at about the same time as usual and I had to wait about ten minutes. I still got to be in on the book discussion. I didn't care for this book as much as I have for some others. The book we discussed today was A Gentleman in Moscow. I understand that it is streaming on some network...but I from what was said that a lot had been changed about it. I don't stream so won't know! Next month we will discuss the book that I suggested for the club for this new book club year. It is The Bookwoman of Troublesome Creek...I highly recommend this book...guess so since I recommended it to the group! I have been picking up things to do with the needlework projects that I have been stitching on and doing just some general picking up of things...especially here in the bedroom as it has become a craft room during all this needlework finishing over the last couple of weeks. I am about ready to get back to work on another stitching gift that I have been working on, but set aside so I could work on last week's shower gift and tomorrow's shower gift. The washer and dryer have been running in the background while I did all this other stuff...which means that after they do their work, I have some putting away of the clothes...which I have done...but there are more to come. Melany, our daughter, and Brooke, our granddaughter-in-law, will be coming here prior to the shower and then the three of us will go to the shower together. When I saw the date today, I had an instant reminder of a day 21 years ago...don't think of it often but once in a while the date will bring it back. This is the day that I was "struck" with Transverse thankful that most of the symptoms that rapidly occured have mostly gone away...the outcome could have been so much least I am up and walking today...and, it was a bit questionable 21 years ago, as we had no idea what was going on. It was the night before Easter Sunday...and it was months...really years before most of the symptoms were gone. Today...pretty much I am only left with a tingly right hand...where the odd sensations began during the attack. There is a blog early on that explains is not a rare, but not very common disease where something attacks the spinal cord...they are not sure if it is an autoimmune disease or if a virus causes it. It often causes paralysis below the waist. It literally gave me all the symptoms of MS and then some within 24 hours. The neruologist explained to me that if it is going to go away it will do it within the first year. He said that the reason that symptoms go away is that the swelling in the spinal cord goes down and eventually the nerves settle down. I believe that Celebrex is what keeps the swelling down in the spinal cord for me as when I have to stop taking Celebrex for any length of time, the symptoms come I continue to take it...just less than I once did. Anyway, so thankful to be at this end of that event in my life and be able to say that I was left with no more than a tingling hand! To God be the glory. We are settling in for the evening. I still need to go down and put the last few dishes in the dishwasher for today. I'm not sure that I am up to folding/putting away any more clothes for the day...think they can stay in their respective machines till tomorrow! Woody's leg has been bandaged and he is ready to head to bed when he wants. Tomorrow starts another week...but not quite as busy as this week has been...or at least it isn't...yet! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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