Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Beautiful Tuesday!

It has really been a pretty day...a very warm spring-like day...it got up to almost 80...ummmmmmm are we going to skip Spring and go right to Summer? I'm sure that there are more chilly days ahead of us. Things are starting to grow. Woody has little tomato seedlings growing. Nathan and family have cantaloupe seedlings growing. Graham's green peas and also pea pods have sprouted. Looking good in the gardens and flats at the moment! Our creeping flox is blooming also in the front garden...such a pretty carpet of hot pink. Woody worked a bit outside. He is trying to reacclimate himself to pollen, etc. He also walked to the prayer room late this afternoon. I'm trying to get used to the time change...my internal clock still thinks that it is an hour earlier than is stated on the clocks. This morning we did a St. Patrick's art project with shamrocks...also learned a bit about St. Patrick. Then Graham had his experiment class. After lunch Elijah and Esther came over for their time. Ummmmmm Grammy had a bit of a problem keeping awake after lunch...had my sinking time! For most of the rest of the afternoon and evening I have been working on the garden club program...today working on the "script" (really a cheat sheet in case certain words leave me !) for the slide show.

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