Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A Less Adventurous Day!

Thank goodness things were calmer today!  I don't have school on Wednesday this year as my students and their parents have obligations at the Baptist Collegiate Ministries Center.  So today I worked around the house and did some cleaning...mainly in the kitchen.  It has been a little over a month since the appliances were put in so it was time to check the filters in the dishwasher and clean them and wash the filters in the hood.  I also had made a mess in the upper oven when I roasted the red peppers so I decided that I would try out the steam clean cycle on the range.  It worked very well. And, the kitchen is much cleaner!

Woody headed off to pick up his friend and take him to a doctor here in Tullahoma this time.  So he was gone for several hours.

After lunch, I headed off to work in the church library with Donna.  We mainly checked in a few books and checked out a few and then straightened the books on the shelves.  After, I left there I headed to WalMart to get a few things.  Then headed home.  We had soup for supper so not a lot of cooking going on today,

Now we are going to watch Master Chef.

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