Friday, August 23, 2019

Frenetic Friday

Today has been a very busy day.  We headed off around 8am to go to Murfreesboro for Woody's yearly appointment with his dermatologist.  That was a fairly quick appointment.  Then we headed back the way we came and stopped at The Avenues...not a mall but lots of rows of stores.  I wanted to go into Bed Bath and Beyond to look for a couple of things.  I actually found the top two things on my list—a hamper and a double burner griddle. The hamper replaces the one we bought probably in our first week of marriage.  It goes in the master bathroom.  I have been looking for a while for what I wanted and finally found one today.  I wanted the double griddle because on our new stovetop you can sync two of the eyes to work with griddles and other long my roasting pan—it should be so much easier to make gravy for our Thanksgiving turkey.  I used the griddle tonight to make French toast.  I had been trying to figure out how to make French toast for Woody since he isn't supposed to have milk products.  I was reading some recipes the other night from a Bed and Breakfast cookbook and found several recipes for apple French toast.  The recipes still used milk, but I decided that I could perhaps use apple juice.  I had seen recipes that used orange juice (but Woody isn't supposed to have orange juice) so I thought...why not try apple juice...and it worked.  The recipe that I found also added sugar and cinnamon to the egg mixture.  Came out quite something else to add into the recipes that Woody can have.  I get tired of making the same recipes over and over and he gets tired of eating the same it was good to add something else into the mix!

When we got home a little after noon, we still needed to do our grocery shopping and Woody needed to take his friend to run errands.  So we divided and conquered.  I did our shopping and he took his friend shopping.  I met up with lots of friends while I was shopping.  Definitely Kroger is a place to meet and greet folk on a Friday afternoon!

I came home and it was time to start cooking.  So I haven't done a lot of sitting today nor a lot done around the house.  But the kitchen is cleaned up for the night and I guess I can now sit!  Woody is sitting in his chair downstairs soaking in the Friday night news shows.  So all is quiet on the western front in our least for the moment.

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