Saturday, August 17, 2019

Sunday School Lessons

Tonight's photo has to do with Woody's Sunday School lesson.  He is teaching about the Mount of Olives.  He decided that probably his boys haven't seen an olive tree so I found some photos that I took when we were visiting in Glendale, AZ in November of 2010.  This photo I actually shared on the blog while we were visiting in AZ that year, but it has been so long, I figured that it would be okay to post it again!  If I hadn't just told you, I'll bet that no one would have known that it was a duplicate!  I remember that I took this one because of all the different colors of olives on the same tree...really the same branch.  I printed off a picture of an olive tree and then a couple of close-ups that show the olives.  Woody is also taking and green to let the boys taste if they so desire..I wonder how many takers he will have!

I have also spent time on my Sunday School lesson, as I am teaching tomorrow.  I am taking a break from putting the final touches on it.  I've taught three weeks in a old brain doesn't kick in for teaching weeks in a row...that is the reason that I am the substitute teacher!

Woody made his weekly trip to the public library.  He got a book that I just finished reading: Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI.  A very interesting nonfiction read...rather horrifying tale of terrible things=massive numbers of murders that occurred in the Osage Nation in Oklahoma back in the 1920's.  I found out about the book from a post from Cottey College, my alma mater.  They are going to use it in their writing curriculum this year.  It is also being made into a movie that is supposed to be released early next year.  The book was quite eye opening and very sad to think that things like that went/go on in our country/world.

I decided to take a vacation from the kitchen today since we have an abundance of leftovers at the moment.  I "thought" that meant that I would have a very minimum amount of cleaning up to do in there.  Well...WRONG!  Woody decided to make "his" recipe (really your recipe, Connie) for coleslaw this afternoon.  So I had a LOT of dishes to clean up.  I have the dishwasher loaded and am waiting for a last couple of dishes to put in before I run it.  Then I will have to dry mop the kitchen floor and that will be my contribution to the kitchen today!

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