Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Tuesday...A Doctor Day

We got up a little earlier than usual this morning. We needed to complete Woody's daily dialysis routine and be able to have breakfast before we headed out the door around 7:30am. We got to Murfreesboro a little before his appointment time, 8:45 and were on the way home by 10am. I think that it was a good appointment for him to have as she reassured him about several places that he thought were melanoma...but aren't. There was one place that she biopsied very near the recent reexcision area...she is a bit concerned with that place. Woody said that it has been itching. She also froze a place off his face that was a type of skin cancer (not melanoma). We took a backroad home after the appointment. I took pictures of barns and other things. We even veered off the direct path home and took in a little more scenery. It was nice not to have to get home quickly in order for Woody to start his dialysis treatment. I think the verdict about doing the dialysis at night is still out. He says that he isn't sleeping very well, but doesn't totally blame it on the dialysis...he said that he even wondered if it is some of the medications that he is taking. We're also still trying to get used to the time change. We came home and had lunch. After lunch, Woody spent some time upstairs on the computer. I came upstairs wanting to sit and relax in my recliner for a little while and either read or stitch on my needlework piece...but instead I napped! I was just so tired from the activities up to that point in the day! Of course, I guess you have to factor in that I am taking medicine that I'm not used to taking and that I my arms are trying to heal, etc. Speaking of my arms, they are really doing a lot better. The swelling is now down and the redness is about gone...they are mainly just peelig. Here's hoping that there is soft skin under what peels off...right now still very rough feeling. I did manage to get my birthday present from Woody ordered today...last night I finalized my research and made my decision...will let you know what after it arrives! I also ordered what I am getting with the money that my sister gave me for my birthday. When I went out to the mailbox, I found another birthday gift there. Connie and I are trying to figure out why it is so hard to get things delivered between her house and mine! She mailed this on March 3rd which should have been plenty of time for a piece of mail to get from Alabama to Tennessee! We had a terrible time getting our Christmas card delivered to her house in December. And, it seems like we had trouble with something else that was either coming or going there. It is just so strange how some things get to their destination rapidly and others seem to take the "slow boat from China! Looking for it every day in the mail just stretched out my birthday all that much longer and now I have more to wait for! Storms are predicted for tomorrow...rain, strong wind, and what I don't like to hear about at all...possibility of tornadoes. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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