Thursday, December 21, 2023

Day 21: Christmas Memories

As you can see by the date on the ornament, tonight's tree memory was just from last year. Those who have been following my blog for a long time may recall that Woody was in the hospital at this time last year and had been since December 8. I stayed with him most of the three weeks that he was at Vanderbilt. As we approached Christmas, we watched some Christmas programming. One of those programs was about the company that makes the yearly White House ornament. Last year's was commemorating White House gingerbread houses. The program was interesting and it made me interested in getting one for our tree. Woody and I decided to order from the hospital room this ornament was ordered and sent to our house. I decided that I needed to use a hospital memory as today, not Woody, but I made a trip to the hospital! I headed outside this morning a little before 6am to get the car ready for Woody...I put his cushion in the car seat that he is supposed to sit on...due to keeping from getting bedsores...which he got from that hospital stay last year...still battling keeping them away so he sits on a cushion wherever he sits...we have one for his chair and one for the wheelchair and we transfer one to the car and then to the dialysis chair, etc. I open the trunk in the ready for the wheelchair, and put his bag with a throw, his crossword puzzles, etc. and then I go to the driver's side and put my purse in and start the car on these cold mornings. This morning I had the additional job of removing the towels I had placed on the windshield and the back window so if there is frost, I won't have to scrape the windows! I got part of those tasks done. I had taken the towel off onee side of the windshield and was walking around to take the other one off and all of a sudden, I realized that I had hit an uneven place on the driveway and I was on the way down to meet the ground. I pretty much hit face first and my glasses took the brunt of the fall along with my face as my glasses finally slid across the driveway. I was so worried that they had I would not have been able to drive him to dialysis without them. I pretty easily got in the car and started up the engine and then went back in the house to check out the damage and to get Woody into the wheel chair. I grabbed a washcloth and a bag of frozen peas and got him into the wheelchair and then into the car, the wheelchair into the trunk, and myself into the car. We were a bit late, but not all that much. His nurse for the day was standing in the door waiting for him when we got inside. I explained what had happened...though one look and it was pretty obvious! She insisted that I needed to go to the ER to be checked out. So I obeyed orders and drove over to the hospital...just a little ways down the road that dialysis center is on. They checked me out...CT scan and x-rays of both legs in the knee area. I checked out fine. Nathan ran my Walmart errand and then came to the hospital to check on me. He followed me home and saw me safely into the house. By the hour the eye and surrounding area has changed color...I have a pretty good shiner at this time. My face really doesn't hurt all that much. I am being careful with my knee as I go up and down the stairs. I remember that it is "up with the good" and "down with the bad." And, that gets me up and down the stairs with nexr to no pain. I'm now sure what I will look or feel like in the morning. But it could have been so much worse! Oh, and, when folk ask what happened...Nathan says to say that Grammy got run over by a reindeer! I will post the latest photo of the progression of my wounds on my face at the end of the blog. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! Looks like I didn't follow my own advice today! 'Tis the season!

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