Monday, December 4, 2023

Day 4: Christmas Memories

When I see this angel, I smile and even chuckle a bit...unusual reaction to an angel ornament?!? Our Sunday School has met most years for a Christmas party either at someone's house, a restaurant, or at church. We often have an ornament exchange. In the early years we played "Dirty Santa" to procure our gift. The year I received this angel as my ornament, I won out over many others who were interested in getting her. She was quite the popular ornament to "steal." Thenway we played that year was we each had a number and each number was put into a container and when your number was called, you could either pick a wrapped package and open it or you could steal an ornament that someone had already opened. If I remember correctly, my number was just about the last to be called and I chose to "steal" her from whomever had her at that time...she had been stolen and in many hands at that point in the game. The only way that I ended up with her was that there was hardly anyone else left to steal her from me! I was very happy with my conquest and am still enjoying this coveted angel on our tree all these years later. The one who gifted her reads our thank you again after all these years, Brenda W! Today has been busier than usual for a Monday, as we had to go to the local hospital to have Woody's leg x-rayed. It was a very efficient and out before we knew it...thank goodness! I have concentrated on completing a cross stitch project and I can see the finish happening tonight before I sleep. Woody has done a lot of crossword puzzles and rested today. I went to prayer meeting this evening, but Woody chose to stay home...his one trip out today was enough! He's all tucked in for the night. I have a little straightening in the kitchen and then I'm heading upstairs to stitch! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! 'Tis the season!

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