Sunday, December 3, 2023

Day 3: Christmas Memory

Tonight's memory comes from one of my childhood memories. Every time I put out our Precious Moments Nativity different things come to mind with each of the characters...little children dressed up to be a part of a Nativity pageant. Tonight's memory isn't about a Christmas pageant, but of another Christmas program that was out on by the children's department in my church one Christmas many years ago. What brings this memory to mind is the little angel standing on the "cloud" holding a flashlight to shine down on the scene. This Precious Moments figurine is called: "The Heavenly Light." As the season goes on I will share some of the other clever names that each of these Precious Moments figures were given by their original creators, Jonathan and David. The year that I am remembering is uncertain. I have only a couple of vague memories about the event so I'm guessing that I was in a lower grade. A group of us Sunday School children were chosen to form a living Christmas tree...prior to the elaborate ones of present day! We each wore a green cape. I guess we were placed on risers to form a triangular tree shape...with one person at the top holding a flashlight for the star on the tree. I was that child at the top! So this flashlight holding angel reminds me of that night many, many years ago! I'm sure that we probably sang, but that I don't remember...I was probably concentrating too hard on holding that flashlight to remember anything else, except for the flashlight, green capes and that it was dark...probably so my flashlight star could be seen! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! 'Tis the season!

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