Thursday, December 28, 2023

Day 3 of 12 Days of Christmas

This part of the shelf in the china holds several memories. The little angel on the left was given to me by a Montessori takes me back to my 27 years of teaching and all the children who came through our school in those years! I have many ornaments on our tree from them, also. I still refer to these students as "my children." And, will have to clarify that I am referring to a Montessori child and not my own biloogical children! The cross stitch nativity in the front was done when I first started cross stitching. It was done from the first cross stitch pattern book that I bought. I had stitched this little manger scene on small count fabric for ornaments. And, then decided that I wanted to stitch it larger for this antique frame that Woody's parents gave to me. The nativity in the back is another of my cross stitch pieces. This is a rendition of a Ted De Grazua nativity painting. De Grazia was an Arizona artist. I really like his work...Woody not so much. This way I can have a little of it, but there isn't a lot of it around the house! I stitched this from my ony first cousin. When she passed away, it came back to my house. The Lenox angel is their 1998 angel ornament. She is one that I pointed out to Linda yesterday as she and Doyle gave it to me way back in 1998. She is an ornament, but I like her to be on display in the china cabinet. I have several Lenox pieces in the cabinet so it seems only right for her to have a special place in there! We got up and headed out early for dialysis...a safer trip that I had a week ago! I decided that today was going to pretty much be a do-nothing day...or as little as possible! I have read, finished listening to an audio book, stitched some on a sampler. paid bills, balanced the check book and little things like that...pretty much sat in my recliner with my heating pads! Woody had a nice treat yesterday, he received a package in the mail from a former co-worker, who reads the blog. He sent him a book on prayer and also a baseball crossword puzzle book. Woody says thanks, Greg! Greg and Woody are both big St. Louis Cardinal fans. Oncology called this morning and changed Woody's appointnent to two hours earlier. It is going to push his two appointments pretty close together. I think I will take him a snack to get him through oncology in case there isn't enough time to go home for lunch before his Oncology appointment. I'm heading down to do dressing changes and then I imagine that he will be getting close to ready to going to sleep for the night. I hope to stitch and read a little more before going to sleep tonight, though I am tired so who knows...what I will or won't do this evening! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! 'Tis the season...still!

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