Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Day 5: Christmas Memories

Tonight's Christmas memory goes back to when I was always on the lookout for another Christmas ornament for our tree...at that point the tree had many empty places left to fill in when I finished decorating it. This ornament was a compromise. I found a lovely pair of wooden bells with a wooden heart...very Scandanavian...I loved their simplicity and the fact they were wooden...just really liked them, when I first spotted them in a little gift shop in our mall. BUT the price tag on these bells was more than I was willing to pay...so passed them by and continued to look through the array of ornaments that this store had. And, lo and behold, I found the ornament pictured in tonight's blog...a smaller version and much less expensive...I imagine only a couple of dollars. I was always on the lookout for unique and inexpensive ornaments to add to our array of ornaments. I happily took this one home and have enjoyied placing it on the tree each year. The next picture will tell you "the rest of the story." I don't know if it was the same year or another one on down the road, but at some point when ornaments become part of an after-Christmas sale, the much desired larger bells and heart went on sale for a price that I was willing to pay...so now each year on our tree abides both of these ornaments and I still love their simplicity and beauty to this day! Oh, one thing that these ornaments represent on our tree is the fact that I have quite an extensive bell collection...so there are many bells on our tree.
We've had a pretty good day. We got off to a good start this morning...actually got to the dialysis center a little early. I raced home with a goal in mind...to finish up a set of gifts...I had four complete and had six to go. I actually almost got them all finished before going to pick up Woody. I think that I worked a half hour more after coming back to the house and had them finished. They are now in the drier and I will give then a final press and 9 more gifts will be ready. When I get finished downstairs tonight, I will go back up and see what else I can accomplish before closing my eyes tonight! 'Tis the season. In the past I have often burned the midnight oil to finish gifts...just find that I play out earlier than I used to! Oh, I did complete stitching my cross stitch project last night...now to get it fully finished!!! I just remembered this evening that I still have another gift to get ready for our AZ package...almost forgot! I think I would have realized it when I came across the fabric laying on my cutting table...but who knows. Woody said that he did have to have a bolus of saline solution at the end of his dialysis treatment as his blood pressure went below their allowable low...but it was back up when he finished his treatment. He has had a good afternoon as far as I can tell. I still have to dress the lower part of his leg tonight. We did hear from the infectious disease doctor. She has no openings for telemed visits till after the first of the year. But she plans to order some blood work done. He does have another appoiontment with wound care on Friday so she will be checking on how his leg looks. I think that it looks better after just a couple of days of applying antibiotic cream...hopefully it's a surface infection that can be taken care of topically. The last time that he had blood work done...not long ago, his white count was good. We will also see what his white count is on Friday when TN Oncology does their labs. They are not Vanderbilt...so info doesn't flow well between the two entities! Well, back to finishing loading the dishwasher now that Woody has finished his meal of two soft tacos. Then I will dress wounds and tuck him in for the night and head up to my rooms that are overtaken with creative chaos! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! 'Tis the Season!

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