Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Classic Cleaning Day!

Woody got up early and went on a seven mile walk.  He has also done some yard work and some cooking.  I've got him trained well...haven't I!?!  He steamed broccoli and cauliflower.  Using the cauliflower he made one of our favorite cauliflower recipes: Italian-style Cauliflower. You cook garlic in olive oil and then add a flavored vinegar of your choice and then toss that with the cauliflower...really makes a tasty dish.  When I got up I started in on where I stopped last night with vacuuming the downstairs. I vacuumed the dining room first and then really attacked the living room.  And, that is where tonight's blog title comes from...I pulled off all the volumes of the Great Books of the Western World and vacuumed them and the shelves they sit on...so 60+ volumes of what could be considered classics got a good cleaning today.  That only is the tip of the iceberg around here for vacuuming off bookshelves...but at least a start!  I then continued around the living room vacuuming the furniture, etc. and finally the floor.  It's pretty clean in there now (except for the K'nex end of the living room and that area can wait for another time!).  I'm pretty worn out from my cleaning activity...but at least there is something to show for my efforts!  And, all the rooms downstairs have now been vacuumed...my goal for the day was to finish with the basic floor cleaning downstairs.  I still have a bit of furniture moving and vacuuming to do in the family room...but that can wait till tomorrow or another day!  At least all major pathways have been vacuumed. Woody has walked to the prayer room at church this evening.  He said that his kidney stone discomfort has been close to nil today...that's good (I think (hope)!).  

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